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- 1 print"[147]":poke53281,0:poke53280,4
- 2 dimdi(28):fori=1to27:readx1:x2=x2+x1:di(i+1)=x2:nexti:di(1)=0
- 5 printtab(9)" [169] [146] [223]"
- 6 printtab(9)" [169] [146] [223]"
- 7 printtab(9)" [169] [146] [223]"
- 8 printtab(9)"[169] [146] [223]"
- 9 printtab(9)" [146] [223]"
- 10 printtab(9)" [146][169] [169] [146] [146] "
- 11 printtab(9)" [169] [146] [146] "
- 12 printtab(9)" [169] [146] [146] "
- 13 printtab(9)" [146] [146] "
- 14 printtab(9)" [146] [146] "
- 15 printtab(9)" [169] [146] [146] "
- 16 printtab(9)" [169] [146][169] "
- 17 printtab(9)"[169] [146][169] "
- 18 printtab(9)" [146][169] [223] "
- 19 printtab(9)" [146][169] [223] [146][169]"
- 20 printtab(9)"[223] [146][169] [223] [146][169]"
- 25 printtab(9)"[159]t i c [195][195] [159]t a c [195][195][159] t o e"
- 30 printtab(12)"[150]firebutton to play"
- 35 if(peek(56321)and16)=16and(peek(56320)and16)=16then35
- 52 print"[147][153]";:poke53281,0:dimp(27):o=1
- 53 ph=54272:cu=32:cc=0:s=54272
- 54 pokes+13,240
- 55 p(1)=1119:p(2)=1122:p(3)=1125:p(4)=1201:p(5)=1204:p(6)=1207:p(8)=1286
- 56 p(7)=1283
- 57 p(9)=1289:p(10)=1439:p(11)=1442:p(12)=1445:p(13)=1521:p(14)=1524:p(15)=1527
- 58 p(16)=1603:p(17)=1606:p(18)=1609:p(19)=1759:p(20)=1762:p(21)=1765
- 59 p(22)=1841:p(23)=1844:p(24)=1847:p(25)=1923:p(26)=1926:p(27)=1929
- 60 ford=1to2:print"player #";d;:inputpl$(d):next:co(1)=4:co(2)=5
- 61 forv=1to2:pl$(v)=left$(pl$(v),9):next
- 63 m(2)=87:m(1)=86:l=1
- 65 input"how many rounds";rd
- 70 u(1)=56321:u(2)=56320
- 90 print"[147]";:forv=1to3
- 100 printtab(12)"[164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164]"
- 110 printtab(12)"[223][146] [205] [205] [205]"
- 120 printtab(12)"[223][223][146][164] [205][164] [205][164] [205]"
- 130 printtab(13)"[223][223][146][163][163][205][163][163][205][163][163][205]"
- 140 printtab(14)"[223][223][146][164] [205][164] [205][164] [205]"
- 150 printtab(15)"[223][223][146][163][163][205][163][163][205][163][163][205]"
- 160 printtab(16)"[223][223][146] [205] [205] [205]"
- 170 printtab(17)"[223] "
- 175 onvgoto176,177,330
- 176 print"";:next
- 177 print"[158]";:next
- 330 r=1
- 340 pokep(o),160:pokep(o)+ph,1
- 350 print"[158]round:[153]";r;"[153]":printpl$(l);"'s turn";
- 351 forv=1to12-len(pl$(l))-2:print" ";:next
- 360 j=15-(peek(u(l))and15)
- 380 ifj=8thenpp=1:goto410
- 390 ifj=4thenpp=-1:goto420
- 400 goto459
- 410 ifo=27theno=26:nx=cu:nc=cc:goto433
- 415 nx=peek(p(o+1)):nc=peek(p(o+1)+ph):goto430
- 420 ifo=1theno=2:nx=cu:nc=cc:goto433
- 425 nx=peek(p(o-1)):nc=peek(p(o-1)+ph)
- 430 pokep(o),cu:pokep(o)+ph,cc
- 433 o=o+pp
- 435 cu=nx:cc=nc
- 440 pokep(o),160:pokep(o)+ph,1
- 441 pokes+11,17:pokes+8,70:pokes+24,15
- 442 ford=1to20:next:pokes+24,0:pokes+11,16:goto460
- 459 ford=1to15:next
- 460 pokep(o),cu:pokep(o)+ph,cc:ford=1to45:next:pokep(o),160:pokep(o)+ph,1
- 470 j=peek(u(l))and16:ifj=16then360
- 475 ifcu=32then480
- 476 pokes+11,17:pokes+8,14:pokes+24,15
- 477 ford=1to500:next:pokes+24,0:pokes+11,16:goto360
- 480 pokep(o),m(l):pokep(o)+ph,co(l):cu=m(l):cc=co(l)
- 481 pokes+11,17:pokes+8,200:pokes+24,15
- 482 ford=1to250:next:pokes+11,16:pokes+24,0
- 485 a=0:b=0:c=0
- 490 restore:readx:for i=1todi(o)+13:readx,y:nexti
- 495 fori=di(o)+1todi(o+1)
- 500 read x,y:if(peek(p(x))=m(l))and(peek(p(y))=m(l))then b=x:c=y:a=o
- 510 nexti
- 740 ifa=0then923
- 745 print"";pl$(l);" wins!";
- 746 forv=1to12-len(pl$(l))-2:print" ";:next
- 747 sc(l)=sc(l)+1
- 750 t=255:pokes+11,17:pokes+24,15:forx=1to10
- 760 h=int(16*rnd(1))
- 770 pokep(a)+ph,h
- 780 pokep(b)+ph,h
- 790 pokep(c)+ph,h
- 800 pokes+8,t:ford=1to350:next:t=t-26:next:pokes+11,16:pokes+24,0:goto920
- 920 foro=1to27:pokep(o),32:pokep(o)+ph,0:next
- 923 ifl=1thenl=2:goto930
- 925 l=1
- 930 ifa=0then350
- 940 cu=32:cc=0:nx=0:nc=0:o=1
- 945 r=r+1:ifr>rdthen950
- 946 goto350
- 950 print"[147] "
- 955 print"final score"
- 957 print"[158][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183]"
- 960 print""pl$(1);":";sc(1)
- 970 print""pl$(2);":";sc(2)
- 980 print"[150]firebutton to play again"
- 990 if(peek(u(1))and16)=16thenif(peek(u(2))and16)=16then990
- 1000 poke198,0:run
- 1080 data 7,4,7,4,5,4,7,4,7,4,5,4,5,12,5,4,5,4,7,4,7,4,5,4,7,4,7
- 1100 data 2,3,4,7,5,9,10,19,13,25,11,21,14,27,1,3,5,8,11,20
- 1105 data 14,26,2,1,6,9,5,7,12,21,15,27,14,25,11,19,5,6
- 1110 data 14,24,13,22,1,7,1,9,2,8,3,7,4,6,14,23,15,24
- 1115 data 3,9,14,22,4,5,1,4,3,5,8,9,16,25,13,19,17,27,14,21
- 1120 data 7,9,2,5,17,26,14,20,1,5,3,6,7,8,18,27,15,21,17,25,14,19
- 1125 data 11,12,13,16,14,18,1,19,10,12,14,17,2,20,3,19,1,21
- 1130 data 14,16,15,18,10,11,3,21,10,16,14,15
- 1135 data 4,22,1,25,7,19,10,18,11,17,12,16,13,15,2,26
- 1140 data 1,27,3,25,4,24,6,22,7,21,8,20,9,19,12,18
- 1145 data 13,14,6,24,3,27,9,21,10,13,18,17,12,14,7,25
- 1150 data 11,14,16,18,8,26,9,25,7,27,12,15,10,14,16,17
- 1155 data 9,27,20,21,22,25,23,27,1,10,9,14,7,13,3,11
- 1160 data 23,26,2,11,8,14,19,21,19,20,27,24,23,25
- 1165 data 12,3,9,15,7,14,1,11,19,25,23,24,4,13,6,14
- 1170 data 19,27,20,26,21,25,22,24,5,14,22,23,21,27
- 1175 data 6,15,4,14,23,21,26,27,19,22,7,16,1,13,9,17
- 1180 data 3,14,20,23,25,27,8,17,2,14,19,23,21,24,25,26
- 1185 data 9,18,3,15,7,17,1,14